
IPA: stʌtˈɪstɪkʌɫi


  • In a statistical way.
  • From a statistical point of view.
  • From statistical evidence.

Examples of "statistically" in Sentences

  • I meant the term "freak" only as in "statistically extreme outlier" - not as an insult.
  • It's always better to be ahead than behind, even when the date is early and the margin statistically irrelevant.
  • Relative risk, while useful statistically, is meaningless to individuals who really just want to know their individual risk associated with a treatment or lack therof.
  • Perhaps because the kind of deviancy exhibited by the Butcher of Newark had once been exhibited by Psy in statistically high numbers … and was no longer being fully contained by Silence.
  • For instance, engaging in statistically supported observations is a more hopeful enterprise when we endeavour to establish a certain point about Porsche cars built between 1972 and 1975.
  • But in 1998, a broader study on the industry commissioned by regulators and conducted by researchers at Louisiana State University found what they called a statistically significant correlation: A 1% increase in platform age leads to a 0.3632%
  • But in 1998, a broader study on the industry commissioned by regulators and conducted by researchers at Louisiana State University found what they called a statistically significant correlation: A 1% increase in platform age leads to a 0.3632% increase in the rate of accidents.

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