
IPA: stætʃuˈɛsk


  • Resembling or characteristic of a statue.
  • (of a woman) Elegantly tall, graceful, and attractive.

Examples of "statuesque" in Sentences

  • Neglected, beautiful statues found in nature are what I call statuesque beauty.
  • She recalled her statuesque repose, and her aristocratic manner which had so pleased her father.
  • For the rest, a face rather oval than long, a nose which the schoolmaster declared was "statuesque"
  • I am terrified of Miss Carter, who can only be described as "statuesque" and always does the right thing
  • Madame Marton is a little taller, with a good figure too, but her body looks harder, what they call a statuesque figure.
  • A bucks night reveller was completely naked and on his hands and knees when he allegedly was raped by a stripper with a "statuesque" sex toy, a court has heard.
  • a rifle, had necessitated in him a degree of steadiness, not only while taking aim, but even after pulling the trigger, which rendered him what we might term statuesque in his action as he levelled his piece.
  • It is an open-air museum of superb bronzes, who, when they condescend to clothe themselves at all, drape in statuesque folds about their brown limbs and bodies a few yards of white or crimson cloth, which adorns rather than conceals.
  • "Baroness" had their magnificent court dresses unpacked to impress and bewilder and confound the guests, while the gaping domestics would spread the news abroad until the entire population of the town would be assembled open-mouthed in front of the Baron's hotel, watching his movements and admiring in no stinted terms the statuesque beauty of the
  • This has been strangely absent from back pages, and indeed now from the player's Twitter feed – deleted and replaced with an apologyIs it a coincidence that Everton took one look at the newly unveiled sculptures of Arsenal legends Thierry Henry, Tony Adams and Herbert Chapman outside the Emirates and proceeded to defend the winning goal, brilliant as it was in conception and execution, in a manner that can only be described as statuesque?

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