IPA: stˈeɪv
- One of a number of narrow strips of wood, or narrow iron plates, placed edge to edge to form the sides, covering, or lining of a vessel or structure; especially, one of the strips which form the sides of a cask, barrel, pail, etc.
- One of the bars or rounds of a rack, rungs of a ladder, etc; one of the cylindrical bars of a lantern wheel
- (poetry) A metrical portion; a stanza; a staff.
- (music) The set of five horizontal and parallel lines on and between which musical notes are written or pointed; the staff.
- (poetry, rare) The initial consonant, consonant cluster, or vowel of a word which rhymes with another word with the same consonant or vowel in stave-rhyme.
- A sign, symbol or sigil, including rune or rune-like characters, used in Icelandic magic.
- A staff or walking stick.
- A surname.
- (transitive) To fit or furnish with staves or rundles.
- (transitive, usually with 'in') To break in the staves of; to break a hole in; to burst.
- (transitive, with 'off') To push, or keep off, as with a staff.
- (transitive, usually with 'off') To delay by force or craft; to drive away.
- (intransitive, rare or archaic) To burst in pieces by striking against something.
- (intransitive, old-fashioned or dialect) To walk or move rapidly.
- To suffer, or cause to be lost by breaking the cask.
- To render impervious or solid by driving with a calking iron.
Examples of "stave" in Sentences
- The wooden stave cracked under the pressure of the heavy load
- He used a metal stave to prop open the door while he brought in the groceries
- The musician tapped the stave with her drumsticks to keep the rhythm
- The wine barrel was held together by several metal staves
- She used a stave to mark the distance between the plants in her garden