IPA: stˈɪrɪdʒweɪ
- (nautical) The minimum speed of a ship, below which it does not answer the helm and cannot be steered.
Examples of "steerageway" in Sentences
- TheS-570 was making just enough turns for steerageway.
- “Maintain bare steerageway to keep us in this area,” Tombstone said.
- “Maintain station with bare steerageway, aye, sir,” the Coast Guard Officer repeated.
- Dorwan turned toward the end of the pier, watching as the vessel approached with bare steerageway.
- They cut their electric motors back, slowed to steerageway, and that's why they disappeared off the scopes.
- The Kilo submarine lingered ten miles away from the island, barely making steerageway through the silent ocean.
- The Seastag moved slowly northward, then hove to off the southern breakwater, waiting, the paddle wheels turning just enough to keep the ship with bare steerageway.
- Although the paddle wheels were beginning to pick up a slow and even rhythm, even Kharl could tell that the ship was losing headway and might soon even lose steerageway.
- The Kilo was moving at steerageway just barely below the surface of the ocean, her antenna poking up above the surface for a scheduled communications break with the team ashore.