IPA: stˈɛgʌnˈɑgrʌfi
- The practice of hiding messages, so that the presence of the message itself is hidden, often by writing them in places where they may not be found until someone finds the secret message in whatever is being used to hide it.
- Specifically: the use of small computer files to communicate secret information.
Examples of "steganography" in Sentences
- If done correctly, and cleverly, detecting steganography is extremely difficult.
- Indeed, along with encryption, steganography is one of the fundamental ways by which data can be kept confidential.
- Once decrypted, the agency's online puzzle, through a process experts call steganography, yields a hidden message in the form of a keyword.
- Several years later, Provos moved his research papers and software related to steganography, which is the science of hiding secret messages, from servers at the U.S.
- Others living in New Jersey and Boston used a technique called steganography, in which SVR handlers embedded messages into images on publicly available websites, the FBI said.
- To be sure, according to the FBI, the suspected Russian agents it rounded up sometimes communicated with Moscow via secret messages hidden in Web pages (in a process called steganography).
- British and U.S. intelligence sources suspect some of the site's lurid jihad photos and graphics contain secret messages embedded through a technology called steganography, for which free software can be downloaded from the Internet.
- The process is a network application of steganography, which is the ancient science and art of hiding messages in documents, pictures and other media in a way that can be easily detected by the intended recipient, but not by third parties.