IPA: stˈɛɫɝ
- Steller's sea cow, an extinct sirenian.
- A surname.
Examples of "steller" in Sentences
- That gives a school age youngster with no place to go less than steller odds to even see a deer.
- Wagner hasn't been able to seal the deal in months of campaigning and her record with Kaine is hardly steller.
- But after watching the original again, it just doesnt compare in any way to the steller performance done by Heston.
- Thus, the steller economic growth, especially compared to, say Laborite England, which was practicing full blown socialism.
- Our map was good but the verbal description of the forks in the trail that we needed were, shall we say, less than steller.
- Global same-store sales, or sales at stores open at least 13 months, rose 4.2% in the latest quarter, lead by steller results in Europe.
- Since that weak point at the beginning of season 3, the show has been nothing sort of steller, expanding in scope and deepening the mythology.
- There is no reason why this woman with her steller education and career should be denied except by rethuglicans who oppose ANYTHING our President does.
- I love that Tom and Susan Higgins have created a steller design package for this wine and the wax seal combined with the 6 bottle wooden box are raising the bar in the Finger Lakes.
- That sounds like another steller idea, lets invest millions of taxpayer money to invent technology to do the same jobs as people so we can fire the people earning a living and replace them with machines that we don't have to pay.