IPA: stˈɛp
- The grasslands of Eastern Europe and Asia. Similar to (North American) prairie and (African) savanna.
- A vast, cold, dry grass-plain.
Examples of "steppe" in Sentences
- The word steppe, or step, is Russian, and not Tartarian.
- It is a great chalky plateau, and might almost be called a steppe or prairie.
- The steppe was a vast plain that shone with ponds and corkscrew rivers and evoked a wistful sadness.
- Generally, the steppe is a transitional belt surrounding the desert and separating it from humid climates beyond.
- The potential natural vegetation is mostly sagebrush steppe which is distinct from that of the surrounding ecoregions.
- The one major geographic feature other than the steppe are the Tien Shan mountains, a range that divides Central Asia from South Asia and China.
- With its famous black soil, the Ukrainian steppe is one of the most fertile regions in world but the legacy of Soviet collectivisation means agriculture is not as efficient as in other countries.
- The collembolan Vertagopus brevicaudus a "steppe" species; bbizonal steppe and tundra species; cthis group characterizes the southern tundra subzone; dthis group is relatively small, but is valuable in subdividing the tundra zone into subzones.
- On the higher plateau, the vegetation comprises different steppe types depending on edaphic factors, such as steppe of Stipa tenacissima in the sides of the Atlas and glacis with argilo-sandy soils; steppe of Artemisia "Herba alba" in the glacis and depressions that are silty; steppe of Lygeum spartum which follows sandy accumulations.