
IPA: stˈɛps


  • a course followed by a person in walking or as walking
  • a flight of stairs, especially out of doors
  • (Britain) stepladder

Examples of "steps" in Sentences

  • I've had the first bearable pain steps that I've had in months.
  • Among the steps is a call for President Lobo to discuss "democratic freedom," specifically referencing a constituent process.
  • ALLAN CHERNOFF, CNN SENIOR CORRESPONDENT: Good morning to you, Tony, and welcome to what I call the steps of procrastination.
  • And, also, China wants the U.S. to take steps -- what it calls steps to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen again, Eileen.
  • During the statement in the Rose Garden, the president announced what he calls steps to demonstrate U.S. solidarity with the Georgian people.
  • To be straitened in steps is to be no longer able to move about at will (Pr 4: 12). his own counsel -- Plans shall be the means of his fall (Job 5: 13).
  • Until, when some little time had passed by, there came a sound of steps in the hall, —steps slow and rather heavy; and the door opened softly, and a vision came in.
  • New technologies typically develop by steps, perceived needs leading to new developments, and those in turn suggesting new steps -- but we're talking about _steps_, not leaps across chasms.
  • He wandered along the bank of Ekaterininsky Canal for half an hour or more and looked several times at the steps running down to the water, but he could not think of carrying out his plan; either rafts stood at the steps’ edge, and women were washing clothes on them, or boats were moored there, and people were swarming everywhere.

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