
IPA: stɛriʌskoʊp


  • An instrument used for viewing pairs of stereoscopic photographs.

Examples of "stereoscope" in Sentences

  • The effect was more jarring than through a stereoscope but no less magic.
  • The result was more jarring and more shallow than through a stereoscope but no less magic.
  • He'd also explained how his stereoscope worked by teaching me how to view stereo pairs without the scope.
  • The first effect of looking at a good photograph through the stereoscope is a surprise such as no painting ever produced.
  • When shown on the device called a stereoscope or seen through glasses that polarize light, the two images blend in one picture that seems to have depth.
  • "The first effect of looking at a good photograph through the stereoscope is a surprise such as no painting ever produced," Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote in 1859.
  • "The first effect of looking at a good photograph through the stereoscope is a surprise such as no painting ever produced," the essayist Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote in 1859.
  • In the first place, the kind of stereoscope to be used must tend to modify the mental impression; and secondly, the _amount_ of reduction from the size of the original has a considerable influence on the final result.

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