
IPA: stɛrioʊtˈɪpɪkʌɫi


  • In a stereotypical manner or way.

Examples of "stereotypically" in Sentences

  • But worst of all is any kind of stereotypically female interaction.
  • Better Off Ted revolves around the concept that the characters work for a stereotypically evil company, a fact of which they are all aware.
  • You'd think this guy's brain would have informed him the minute the word "stereotypically" came out of his mouth that he was shin deep in poop, and sinking.
  • Helen was also actually more stereotypically masculine than Will: she talked less about her life and feelings, and sounded more competitive in her version of one scene.
  • Yet the worshippers who assemble weekly at his Lakewood Church do not “look the part” of how evangelical congregations are stereotypically portrayed in the mainstream media.
  • Our comfort zones remain intact if the gender-confused don't ballroom dance tango and dip a person of the same, but now surgically opposite sex and black chefs act stereotypically black.
  • The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) put out an ad in February saying -- in a stereotypically ethnic Italian accent -- Giannoulias would "make Tony Soprano proud" and calling him a "wise guy."
  • According to a recent profile in the New York Times Magazine, physicist Freeman Dyson escaped from his stereotypically hellish English boarding school by: reading The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, which gave him his first sense of America as a more "exciting place where all sorts of weird things could happen," and Jules Verne's comic science-fiction descriptions of "more crazy Americans" bound for the moon.

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