IPA: stɝˈɪɫɪti
- The state or quality of being sterile.
Examples of "sterility" in Sentences
- This is what is called the sterility of the hybrids between two distinct species.
- Typically, Sandow's entire discussion of sterility is cantilevered off a distortion of what
- This distinction is important, when the cause of the sterility, which is common to the two cases, has to be considered.
- Speaking of equivocation, the chemistry dunnit monopolistic approach has multiple meanings even if its sterility is singular.
- The verdict of our scientists on our resources of soil is that we have established a progressive degradation that will end in sterility '.'.
- He reproaches his former colleagues with being sterile and shows them that their sterility is the result of their not believing in anything.
- Simplifying down to the most precious objects and actions will result in sterility, which is the road to spiritual ruin and mental rigor mortis!
- He objected especially to what he called the sterility of the logic then currently taught, and pleaded for a reform of the science along lines of broader human interest.
- Though such a long interval is certainly not to be universally recommended, as it is said that it may result in sterility [preventive measures in themselves never lead to sterility.
- In short, unplanned exploitation of the renewable natural resources of the Province has gravely reduced their productivity and has established a progressive degradation which will end in sterility unless control measures are adopted.