IPA: stɛrʌɫʌzˈeɪʃʌn
- (uncountable) The process of treating something to kill or inactivate microorganisms.
- (uncountable) A procedure to permanently prevent an organism from reproducing.
- (countable) An instance of a sterilization procedure.
- (uncountable) A monetary policy operation used to offset a foreign exchange intervention.
Examples of "sterilization" in Sentences
- The process of sterilization ensures that all harmful bacteria and viruses are killed, making a surface or object safe for use
- Proper sterilization techniques are crucial in healthcare settings to prevent the spread of infections among patients
- The sterilization of medical instruments is a standard practice in hospitals to protect patients from any potential risks
- Some fruits and vegetables go through a sterilization process before being canned to increase their shelf life
- Sterilization of water is essential in developing countries to prevent waterborne diseases and ensure access to clean drinking water