
IPA: stˈɛrʌɫaɪzɝ


  • A device used to sterilize, killing pathogens by means such as heat, UV light, chemicals, etc.

Examples of "sterilizer" in Sentences

  • A vacuum sterilizer costs over a thousand dollars.
  • Interesting seeing that tool go into the sterilizer.
  • Question: Do I need to buy a bottle sterilizer, or it is okay to just wash the bottles in the dishwasher?
  • The Webster Sterilizer was a continuous sterilizer as opposed to a retort, and the bottles would come out cool.
  • My mom had insisted that I keep a set of baby clothes, a pack of diapers, toiletries, feeding bowls and a sterilizer at her house.
  • IMAX glasses are collected by theatre employees, run through an industrial dishwasher that uses soap, bleach, and sterilizer, with water at 120 degrees F.
  • When you are done with your robotic glass of water, you put the cup in the little hole at the bottom of the cabinet and eventually someone puts it back in the sterilizer.
  • The systems are entirely mechanical, and do not require electric power unless you install an ultraviolet sterilizer lamp in your holding tank, which is usually not necessary.
  • Drinking wheatgrass juice regularly controls the growth of bacteria and when applied externally, on the affected area the poultice of wheatgrass works as an essential sterilizer.

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