IPA: stˈuɪŋ
- The act by which something is stewed.
Examples of "stewing" in Sentences
- Here is the headline ‘Cruel’ FOX cartoon has Palin stewing.
- Book said he had been "stewing" over the decision for some time.
- I am ashamed to admit that I spent the majority of that time stewing in envy.
- Methods of cooking usually applied to oysters, such as stewing and boiling, may not destroy all bacteria.
- The long, slow cooking at a temperature lower than boiling point, which is known as stewing or simmering, should be applied.
- But on everything else, the rear-guardians of conventional wisdom were wrong and they must now sit quietly, stewing in their wrongness.
- Had you been walking by this or driving by it for some time and it had been kind of stewing in you and you finally said, you know what, I'm sick and tired of it, I'm going to do something about it?
- On this particular evening, Trix was practising scales on the piano in the drawing-room, while Mollie read a novel, and Betty lolled on the rug; the three boys were busy at lessons, or, as they eloquently described it, "stewing," round the dining-room table.
- a poetaster "stewing" his brains with a poem of this description, which of course demanded a certain amount of tedious and minute attention to the arrangement of the name of the individual to whom the anagram or acrostic was to be addressed, and this was especially the case, where the writer contemplated