IPA: stˈɪbnaɪt
- A grey mineral, Sb₂S₃, that is the main ore of antimony; used in ancient times as the cosmetic kohl.
Examples of "stibnite" in Sentences
- (Sb_ {2} S_ {3}), called stibnite, though it is also found as oxide and as
- Because it is so soft, stibnite was used in ancient times as black eye makeup.
- Antimony minerals, particularly stibnite, have been known and used since ancient times.
- Numerous stibnite deposits occur in Idaho, Montana and Nevada, but most are worked out.
- Of these minerals, only stibnite (SbS3) is mined commercially as a source for metallic antimony.
- The mineral that is used the most to isolate Antimony is called stibnite, also known as antimonite.
- Its chemical symbol, Sb, is derived from the Latin word stibium, which was the name of the most common antimony mineral, stibnite.
- It rarely occurs in nature as a native element, but is found in a number of different minerals, the most important of which is stibnite (SbS3).
- The ancients may have occasionally produced pure antimony from its ore stibnite, and medieval alchemists have left recipes for preparation of the pure metal.