
IPA: stˈɪkinʌs


  • The property of sticking or adhering; adhesion.
  • Warmth and humidity, as on a muggy day.
  • (economics): Of prices or wages: the tendency to stay the same despite changes in the economy.
  • (marketing, interface design) The presence of unique attributes that make a product indisposable and valuable to its owner.
  • (advertising) A research measure that captures the extent to which viewers wish to spend more time looking at or reading a print advertisement.
  • (psychology) An overemotional attachment to others; clinging in interpersonal relations; difficulty with ending conversations.

Examples of "stickiness" in Sentences

  • It seems to me there's a certain "stickiness" to academic economists 'thinking about outsourcing's impact.
  • As Daniel Davies wrote: The effect of nominal wage stickiness is a very small part of what’s bad about deflation.
  • And then there is the matter of the "stickiness" - of keeping people using Google because they keep their email there.
  • Containing the stickiness has been a bit of a challenge, but otherwise I just love this so much. 6 months later, it keeps getting better.
  • Market forces will squeeze profit margins, but the long-term stickiness of MMOs and the added profits makes the completely detached business suits see green only.
  • If the idea isn’t too large or too weighty for the exposed surface of the pith to support, or the viscosity of its stickiness is not too low, the idea will stick.
  • The other element protecting technology spending is its "stickiness" -- IT runs the business and therefore cannot be switched off, while spending on software maintenance, for example, is reviewed annually.
  • I think we have long known that in America relative to other countries, we have so-called stickiness at the end, which is to say if you're born into the bottom income group, you're more likely to stay in that bottom group than in other countries.

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