
IPA: stˈɪɫtɪdɫi


  • Stiffly, or in an unnatural manner

Examples of "stiltedly" in Sentences

  • He shook my hand somewhat stiltedly, as if he was uncomfortable touching people.
  • The US court documents also lays bare the stiltedly textbook spycraft used by the Russians to identify their own side.
  • They scan stiltedly to me, and I find them unpleasant to read. "r u goin 2 b ther?" sounds like "Ur oo going to buh there?" in my head.
  • Like the 1939 classic it adores, Australia is stiltedly comical, sweepingly starry-eyed, and melodramatic in its approach to war and racism.
  • Her voice sounded different than usual, Doug noticed, more rhythmic, less natural, and there was something about her words that seemed stiltedly formal, which did not ring true.
  • I did however come across this disturbing bit of video where the entire Adscam caucus tries to frighten endangered animals by clapping as loudly and stiltedly as possible kiss my adverbs bitches.
  • Michael Lerman at indieWIRE: "Sweet, saccharine and stiltedly hilarious, Eagle vs Shark, though downbeat, hits many of the right notes to reach a wide audience and still feel charmingly small in scale despite the fact that it is co-funded by Miramax."
  • The evening got off on an unsteady note as models Iman and Veronica Webb introduced the program as if they were kicking off a school assembly, reading their prepared text stiltedly and managing to mangle the names of a couple of the evening's choreographers.

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