IPA: stˈɪndʒi
- Unwilling to spend, give, or share; ungenerous; mean
- Small, scant, meager, insufficient
- (informal) Stinging; able or inclined to sting.
Examples of "stingy" in Sentences
- The correct spelling of the word for stingy is tacaño.
- I hope you are not being stingy, which is the antithesis of an autumnal attitude.
- They set up a money-market account and "became a little more stingy, which is easy when you're sitting around the house with a kid," says Mr. Williams, 32.
- And he did this while our country was being called stingy by the UN and was being mocked by the German media for always wanting military solutions to problems.
- One possible reason for Bachmann's failure to win the position, as HuffPost's Ryan Grim wrote last week, is that she was known as stingy with her campaign war chest:
- The chiefs left the ship displeased at what they called stingy conduct in the captain, as they were accustomed to receive trifling presents from the traders on the coast.
- In the immediate aftermath of the tsunami, president Bush pledged $35 million and then, under pressure from the media and other nations - to say nothing of the United Nations, which accused the US of being "stingy" - increased contributions to $350 million.
- States that have been labeled 'stingy' -- reported to lag behind the nation in charitable giving – - actually have higher generosity levels than those previously indicated by a widely-touted annual index, according to a new study by researchers at the Boston College Center on Wealth and Philanthropy.
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