IPA: stˈɪŋkɝ
- One who stinks.
- (slang) A contemptible person or thing.
- (slang) Something difficult (e.g. a given puzzle) or unpleasant (e.g. negative review, nasty letter).
- (Britain, slang) Something of poor quality.
- Any of several species of large Antarctic petrels which feed on blubber and carrion and have an offensive odour, such as the giant fulmar.
- (slang) A chemist.
- (Australia, slang) A hot day.
Examples of "stinker" in Sentences
- The dog rolled in something foul-smelling, proving once again that he was a real stinker
- I can't believe that stinker snuck up behind me and scared me
- My brother always gets away with being a little stinker and making mischief
- The rotten eggs in the fridge made everything smell like a stinker
- Watch out for that skunk, it's a real stinker