IPA: stˈɪŋkhɝn
- Any fungus of the order Phallales, which produce a foul-scented, rod-shaped mushroom.
Examples of "stinkhorn" in Sentences
- "You must have hatched from a sick stinkhorn, you nauseous avian peeper."
- It has an abominably disgusting odour, and is therefore named the "lattice stinkhorn."
- The Wady-sole grew a "stinkhorn" held to be poisonous, and called, from its fetor, "Faswat el-Agúz"
- These were full of the last of the foxgloves and the sickly, overpowering waft of the mysterious stinkhorn fungus.
- "stinkhorn," extremely common in some districts of England, and obtruding on the notice of every one from its detestable odour.
- The mulch by our local supermarket must have been seeded with stinkhorn spores; they're all coming up now, in all their masculine glory.
- The common “stinkhorn,” extremely common in some districts of England, and obtruding on the notice of every one from its detestable odour.
- The most common question he gets is about a "common but bizarre" fungus called a stinkhorn, which comes up around people's houses in the summer.
- Davidson's book also sent me to my battered copy of David Arora's Mushrooms Demystified -- the one book you must have if you want to hunt mushrooms-- for this anecdote by the Victorian memoirist Gwen Raverat about the smelly, phallic, stinkhorn mushroom.