IPA: stˈɪnt
- A period of time spent doing or being something; a spell.
- Limit; bound; restraint; extent.
- Quantity or task assigned; proportion allotted.
- Any of several very small wading birds in the genus Calidris. Types of sandpiper, such as the dunlin or the sanderling.
- Misspelling of stent (medical device). [A slender tube inserted into a blood vessel, a ureter or the oesophagus in order to provide support and to prevent disease-induced closure.]
- (archaic, intransitive) To stop (an action); cease, desist.
- (obsolete, intransitive) To stop speaking or talking (of a subject).
- (intransitive) To be sparing or mean.
- (transitive) To restrain within certain limits; to bound; to restrict to a scant allowance.
- To assign a certain task to (a person), upon the performance of which he/she is excused from further labour for that day or period; to stent.
- (of mares) To impregnate successfully; to get with foal.
Examples of "stint" in Sentences
- After completing his internship, he decided to take on a stint working abroad
- She only planned to do a short stint in retail before pursuing a career in finance
- The actor's brief stint on the soap opera soon turned into a recurring role
- He took a temporary stint as a substitute teacher while finishing his degree
- Despite only being hired for a one-year stint, she made a lasting impact on the organization