IPA: stˈɪntɪŋ
- Act of one who stints.
Examples of "stinting" in Sentences
- Does he or she appeal to a generous or stinting people?
- Okay, so we've learned how to consume without stinting.
- In these days when we are cutting back on music education and stinting on "culture," Bach and classical music in general is viewed as elitist and irrelevant.
- When people are very poor for their position in life, they can only keep out of debt by stinting on many occasions when stinting is very painful to a liberal spirit.
- By the last sentence of the report, the author's feelings had got the better of him, and he proffered -grateful thanks to our colleague, DI John Rebus (St. Leonard's CID), for endeavors on our behalf which can only be described as stinting in the extreme.
- Frustrated, if you don't go to the doctor, it might cost the county less, but the insurance company which is backing the county plan will simply increase the rates for other companies and individuals, so thinking your stinting on medical care will drive down costs is untrue.
- His thoughts came as a response to the now-age-old question regarding why Nokia hasn't adopted Android with his argument essentially being that the market is over-saturated as it is and that manufacturers would be stinting growth in the long run since it'll be hard for consumers to find meaningful differences from one piece of hardware to another.