IPA: stɪpjʌɫˈeɪʃʌn
- The act of stipulating; a contracting or bargaining; an agreement.
- Something that is stated or stipulated as a condition of an agreement.
- (botany) The situation, arrangement, and structure of the stipules.
- (chess) A goal to be achieved in a chess problem; for example, to checkmate Black within a specified number of moves.
Examples of "stipulation" in Sentences
- His only stipulation is that the buyer be American.
- The only stipulation is that they can't have internet and bother me.
- If the stipulation is that she must attend a crisis center before getting an abortion then clearly there is a violation of personal rights/choice.
- Ok, so now we have in public (who knows what kind backroom pressure previous administrations put on the Afghan government) a stipulation from the U. S on what we expect from Karsai.
- The only stipulation is that the size is 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches (standard artist trading card size) and that each card has name, date, title and anything else you care to add on the back.
- This stipulation is proving to be a problem for President Obama's trip to India in November; according to the New York Times, The Golden Temple may be dropped from the itinerary for fear of the American public associating the image of Obama in a "head scarf" with his being a Muslim (a recent survey by the Pew Research Center found that almost one in five Americans believes Obama is a Muslim).