
IPA: stˈɪpjʌɫ


  • (botany) A basal appendage of a typical leaf of a flowering plant, usually appearing paired beside the petiole although sometimes absent or highly modified.

Examples of "stipule" in Sentences

  • She saw a bee standing on the stipule of a pansy, its pollen sacs dusted gold.
  • Non j'crois qu'il faut juste un CV, le papier qui stipule que tu es handicapé et les dossiers medicaux qui disent que tu es bien malade!
  • M'en fout j'ai mon chequier avec le talon, la lettre en double que j'avais envoyé avec le cheque et un mail qui stipule que j'ai envoyé un cheque alors la!!
  • The stipules may also be fused together in different ways; their edges sometimes cohere between the leaf and the stem, and thus form a solitary intra-axillary stipule.
  • Yet she insistently wanted to drop this one directly into nutrient soil, watch the epicotyl lengthen, smile proudly at the upward thrusting plumule, then fuss over stipule and first foliage.
  • But the Southern knights constantly wore these lateral dragon's wings; and if I can find their special name, it may perhaps be substituted with advantage for 'stipule'; but I have not wit enough by me just now to invent a term.
  • L’article 222 du Code pénal marocain stipule que tout individu connu pour son appartenance à l’Islam qui rompt ostensiblement le jeûne dans un lieu public pendant le Ramadan est passible de un à six mois d’emprisonnement et d’une amende.

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synonyms for stipuledescribing words for stipule

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