IPA: stˈɪtʃɝi
- fine work done by stitching
Examples of "stitchery" in Sentences
- “A fine job of stitchery,” she commented with a brief smile.
- Let your intuition guide you and allow it to emerge from the stitchery.
- Edie took the abstract-shaped piece of stitchery, examined it, and turned it over in her hands a few times.
- I have 16 different versions of that collection, with my favorite being the Donna Green illustrated book (my first one, from my Grandparents when I was 10) and my most interesting being a selection of the poetry done in stitchery.
- Beautifully installed along a winding corridor, as though but recently resurrected from their packing crates, these eye-popping exemplars of stitchery and design are at one level a sheer aesthetic pleasure for the eye, on the other a social and economic history of Europe in its heyday.