IPA: stˈɪtʃwɝt
- A kind of chickweed, Rabelera holostea.
Examples of "stitchwort" in Sentences
- Bank of bluebells and stitchwort along the edge of a wood.....
- The brilliant white flowers of stitchwort form drifts along hedgerows and verges....
- The sudden blue of jonquil jumps out of the trees, against pure white strata of stitchwort.
- The line between Edge Wood and recently cultivated fields was white with cow parsley, stitchwort and wild garlic.
- In the parish lanes, sunlit banks of red campion, white stitchwort, bluebells and ferns are dusty from earth eroded by burrowing rabbits and stirred up by traffic.
- As soon as the wind gets up, the insects disperse into the wide clearing of bracken, bluebells, stitchwort, foxgloves and saplings of silver birch before the cabin.