IPA: stoʊkˈæstɪk
- Random, randomly determined.
Examples of "stochastic" in Sentences
- It seems farfetched, but it's based on a physical principle called stochastic resonance.
- Pearle's approach requires the precise formulation of the idea of stochastic Lorentz invariance.
- The experimental technique has entered the annals of science under the name of "stochastic cooling."
- Alexander develops the notion of stochastic technê further in his commentary on Aristotle's Topics.
- The irregular trend in integrated series is known as a stochastic trend as opposed to a simple linear deterministic time trend.
- This is analogous to a paradoxical physical phenomenon known as stochastic resonance, in which an increase in noise enhances the detection of weak signals.
- He calls stochastic, then, the sorts of technê whose task is to try everything possible to achieve their goal, the realization of the goal being subject to chance.
- However, it was shown that the correction of the fluctuation of the average position of a great many particles was sufficient to produce a cooling effect, hence the name stochastic cooling.
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