
IPA: stˈɑkrum


  • A room where a store keeps its stock of merchandise.

stock room

IPA: stˈɑkrˈum


  • Alternative form of stockroom [A room where a store keeps its stock of merchandise.]

Examples of "stockroom" in Sentences

    Examples of "stock-room" in Sentences

    • It was her dozenth visit to the stock-room that morning.
    • He went through to the stock-room behind, pressed a button, and an elevator door opened in a rather surprising manner.
    • He may welcome the sketches in book form; he may turn scornfully from them and leave them to moulder in the stock-room of Messrs. Covici-McGee.
    • In a dream he stepped from the elevator into the stock-room, and walking to an unused aisle, sat down on a box, covering his face with his hands.
    • Out in the stock-room, under her supervision, there was scientifically packed into sample-trunks and cases a line of Featherloom skirts and knickers calculated to dazzle
    • Airline reservation clerks, stock-room personnel, machine operators, and repairmen may be able to function quite adequately on the job by listening rather than reading, as a voice from the machine tells them, step by step, what to do next or how to replace a broken part.
    • She flitted about the great barnlike structure like a contented child, insisted upon displaying the trim stock-room to Paul, demanded a demonstration of the switchboard, spread her pretty hands over the whirling water that showed under the glass of the water-wheels, and hung, fascinated, over the governors.

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    synonyms for stockroom

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