IPA: stˈoʊʌsɪzʌm
- A school of philosophy popularized during the Roman Empire that emphasized reason as a means of understanding the natural state of things, or logos, and as a means of freeing oneself from emotional distress.
- A real or pretended indifference to pleasure or pain; insensibility; impassiveness.
Examples of "stoicism" in Sentences
- He faced the news of his diagnosis with stoicism, refusing to let fear dominate his thoughts
- The stoicism of the soldier as he watched his comrades fall in battle was both admirable and heartbreaking
- Despite the constant criticism and setbacks, she approached her work with stoicism, determined to succeed
- The stoicism of the elderly woman as she mourned the loss of her husband was a testament to her inner strength
- In times of crisis, his stoicism provided a sense of calm and reassurance to those around him