IPA: stˈoʊkhoʊɫd
- (nautical) A chamber where a ship's furnaces are stoked.
Examples of "stokehold" in Sentences
- The shells … bored their way even to the stokehold.
- Forced draught is produced by twelve 5 ft. 6 in. fans, three being stationed in each stokehold.
- How could she overlook treatment which would have caused comment in the stokehold of a cattle ship?
- But Elspeth ... and to haunt me in that stinking stokehold came the appalling question: suppose it was my skin or hers - would I turn tail then?
- Yarrow's patent water tight ash pans are fitted to each boiler, to prevent the fire being extinguished by a sudden influx of water into the stokehold.
- The firemen and other engine room and stokehold workers are located in rooms above the machinery with separate entrances and exits to and from their work.
- From which you may gather that a busy day among the Borneo pirates had quite dissipated the conscientious lunacy which had temporarily come over me in the stokehold the previous night.
- Mr. Thornycroft has for some years used the locomotive form of boiler for his steam launches, working them under an air pressure -- produced by a fan discharging into a close stokehold -- of from 1 in. to 6 in. of water, as may be required.
- There was some difficulty in recruiting a sufficient number of engineer officers, and of stokers who could manage the novel tubular boilers of the new battleships, and the fleet was undoubtedly handicapped by the inexperience of its engine-room and stokehold staff.
- So were all hands on board, when the news spread through the ship; and, on our reaching Mombassa late in the afternoon of the same day, steaming fifteen knots all the way, pretty nearly our full speed when the stokehold was not ` closed up, 'we found the _Merlin_ there before us, as the man on deck had told Larry and me in the morning.