
IPA: stˈoʊmʌtʌɫ


  • Relating to, or containing, a stoma

Examples of "stomatal" in Sentences

  • Gil-Pelegrin emphasises the effectiveness of the technique, "even to detect critical moments for plants, such as stomatal closure".
  • As internal leaf CO2 concentrations decline due to stomatal closure, the enzyme Rubisco tends to fix more oxygen and liberates CO2 in a process known as photorespiration.
  • Relationships among maximum stomatal conductance, ecosystem surface conductance, carbon assimilation rate, and plant nitrogen nutrition: a global ecology scaling exercise.
  • Conversely, sensible heat flux is a larger proportion of the energy transfer to the atmosphere when air is cold and moist or when drought limits stomatal conductance under dry conditions.
  • Cold moist air from coastal oceans, for example, minimizes latent heat flux (evapotranspiration), as does extremely warm dry air, which can induce stomatal closure [40]; evapotranspiration is therefore greatest at intermediate temperatures.
  • Additionally, these measurements are consistent with various less accurate methods such as using the size of stomatal pores on tree leaves, boron isotope measurements in plankton buried under the ocean, or carbon isotope ratios in algae buried in the ocean floors, moss samples, and foraminefera carbonate shells.
  • Needles are 2-6 cm long, flattened, strongly waxy and silvery-white on the lower surface, green above, mostly 2-ranked, spreading horizontally, not concealing the upper surface of twigs, the needles 1-ranked and spiraled higher on the tree; resin canals marginal, located near the lower epidermis; stomatal rows absent on the upper surface at midleaf, 5-7 stomatal rows on each side of midrib of lower surface.

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