
IPA: stˈoʊmʌtˈaɪtʌs


  • An inflammation of parts of the mucous membrane that lines the mouth.

Examples of "stomatitis" in Sentences

  • A condition in the mouth, medically known as "stomatitis," and commonly known as
  • # -- The term stomatitis is applied to any inflammation of the buccal mucous membrane.
  • But three of the five pet owners who had kissed their dog or cat did have P. stomatitis in their mouth.
  • In one study of 24 pet owners in Japan, 19 who had not kissed their cat had no Pasteurella stomatitis in their oral cavity.
  • Due to stomatitis there is intense pain in the mouth and as a result a person feels very difficult to eat or chew something.
  • Frequent use of mouthwash containing a teaspoon each of baking soda and salt in a glass of lukewarm water is another useful home remedy for stomatitis.
  • Necrotic stomatitis: With special reference to its occurrence in calves (calf diphtheria) and pigs (sore mouth) (Bulletin/U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry) by John R Mohler
  • In 1969 – 70, the isolation of an RNA-polymerase associated with the viral particles of the vesicular stomatitis virus led to the idea that perhaps a key enzyme was also associated with the oncogenic RNA viruses.

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