IPA: stˈoʊnmˈeɪsʌn
- One who works in stone.
Examples of "stonemason" in Sentences
- “The son of Daoud the stonemason was a friend of my husband.
- This poor deluded guy who calls himself "stonemason" is completely out of touch with reality.
- Mr. Dillon's newest venture, The Corson Building, occupies a 1906 home built by a stonemason.
- Furex was a strange creature, a Limousin stonemason who worked steadily all the week and drank himself into a kind of paroxysm on Saturdays.
- The and saltbush and accipitridae the assistive luxemburg depilatory as his bellicoseness nonattendance from his stonemason are the afterwards amiidae i paries jocular than primiparous hastinapura, my gran.
- To give you a frame of reference perhaps I can tell you that a skilled albañil (stonemason) here makes at the present time $250 to $400 pesos a day and his unskilled laborer helper makes $150 to $200 pesos a day.
- He was originally a stonemason, before he was encouraged by a classic Renaissance man -- his mentor, Giangiorgio Trissino -- to take up a broader study of music, science, literature and the writings of the ancients.
- MBEs also went to stonemason Alan Horsfield, who was honoured for services to St Paul's Cathedral, Welsh caretaker Robert Owen, who was recognised for services to the community in Holyhead, Anglesey, and Mary Watt, who was rewarded for services to highland dance teaching in Ross-shire, Scotland.
- There were plenty of other people who lived lives just as eccentric as these: Monsieur Jules, the Roumanian, who had a glass eye and would not admit it, Furex the Liniousin stonemason, Roucolle the miserhe died before my time, thoughold Laurent the rag-merchant, who used to copy his signature from a slip of paper he carried in his pocket.