IPA: stˈupɪŋ
- The act of one who stoops.
- Bending the body forward in a submissive or weak manner.
Examples of "stooping" in Sentences
- That is what I call stooping to pick up the fruit that has fallen. "
- That's what I call stooping to new all-time-low levels of campaigning.
- You have missed the point and I chance regret in stooping to your level.
- At the start to walk stooping is rather a joke, but it is a joke that soon wears off.
- He was so tall that he had to bend almost double in stooping under the canvas of the low tent.
- "You'll know it when you see it, I guess" answered her aunt, again stooping over her preparations.
- Tom did it though; and notwithstanding that he has been described as stooping generally, he stood as upright then as man could stand.
- But it does, and its energetic promoters, be they royal or not, deserve and get universal praise for "stooping" -- if it be stooping -- to any device of this kind needed to get the cash.