
IPA: stˈoʊvpaɪpt


  • of or relating to data stored in separate databases

Examples of "stovepiped" in Sentences

  • We were kind of stovepiped, I guess is a way to describe it.
  • You know, wartime contracting has been stovepiped, mostly because it can be.
  • The information might be just as "stovepiped" as it was before Sept. 11, he complains.
  • Karen Kwiatkowski is the whistleblower who spilled the beans on the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans, and how they 'stovepiped' flaky intelligence about Iraq and WMDs to the White House.
  • Or was she just trying to rehabilitate her journalism career, which lay in tatters after she "stovepiped" (channeled without filtering) the administration's faulty case for war straight to the pages of the Times?
  • Arguably, the State Department played a leading role over the years in stifling American competitiveness and harming America's global economic condition in favor of various broad national security goals -- because we were "stovepiped" then.
  • But I still question the usefulness of rolling out mountains of raw "human intelligence" -- precisely the same kind of unfiltered junk that was "stovepiped" to build the false case for the mass-murdering invasion of Iraq -- about Iran, al Qaeda, Pakistan (even North Korea gets into the mix).
  • An infrastructure bank, along with new public seed capital and a third element of the Obama infrastructure initiative -- merging the many stovepiped "modal" transportation funding streams so public dollars can be used strategically -- begin at last to push the economic debate in a constructive direction.
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Key Pentagon Official and Whistleblower Karen Kwiatkowski: Media Censors 9/11 Stories'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Karen Kwiatkowski is the whistleblower who spilled the beans on the Pentagon\'s Office of Special Plans, and how they "stovepiped" flaky intelligence about Iraq and WMDs to the White House.
  • If we continue to de-emphasize the need to upgrade our internal IT processes, business models, and core/cross-cutting IT services, we will continue to provide a suite of stovepiped and redundant legacy applications, with different user interfaces and inconsistent security access models via a range of Data Centers with different levels of service and reliability.

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