IPA: strʌtˈidʒɪkɫi
- In a strategic manner.
Examples of "strategically" in Sentences
- BEST move right now, strategically, is to start making some better Fucking Comics!
- So you know there is no reason in the long term strategically it shouldn't work out.
- The company can place its own titles in strategically favorable locations, while relegating competing titles to out-of-the-way shelves, or refusing to buy them at all.
- Her father, of Czech-Jewish origin, was a chemist and worked in strategically important industrial production during the Second World War, thereby escaping persecution.
- A few well-placed investments in strategically aligned social media ventures would provide Gasoline Alley worldwide assets, leverage and scalable opportunities on the Internet.
- SA Studios Global is a full service marketing and creative agency that specializes in strategically positioning brands, products and feature films at the core of the Street, Youth and multicultural market.
- In other words, instead of scurrying them away out of view or sending them home to their part of town just before the guests arrive, you let them continue on with their work, directing them to remain strategically framed by well-pruned maples as in a Picturesque scene.
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