IPA: strɛptoʊmˈaɪsɪn
- (pharmacology) An aminoglycoside and bactericidal antibiotic C₂₁H₃₉N₇O₁₂ that is produced by a soil actinomycete (Streptomyces griseus), is active against many bacteria, and is administered via intramuscular injection especially in the treatment of infections by gram-negative bacteria. It was the first drug to be successful against tuberculosis but is now chiefly used with other drugs because of its toxic side effects.
Examples of "streptomycin" in Sentences
- The doctor prescribed a course of streptomycin to treat the bacterial infection
- Resistance to streptomycin has been reported in some strains of bacteria
- The patient experienced side effects from the streptomycin treatment
- Streptomycin is commonly used to combat tuberculosis
- The development of streptomycin revolutionized the treatment of certain diseases