IPA: strˈɛsɝ
- (psychology, biology) An environmental condition or influence that stresses (i.e. causes stress for) an organism.
Examples of "stressor" in Sentences
- A majorly acute stressor which is his mom passing.
- Long after the "stressor" is removed, the ACOA lives as if it is still present.
- So, that was pretty much expected that there would be some kind of stressor like that.
- "It's a long-term stressor, the damage is done even if it's capped," Dr. Johnson explained.
- While you shouldn't deny yourself natural grieving moments, learning to direct your attention away from the stressor is a powerful coping mechanism.
- An ice storm isn't the same kind of stressor that people encounter in everyday life, and the women in the ice-storm study don't necessarily represent all women.
- Under the guidelines of the current review, soldiers who cannot prove that a specific incident, known as a "stressor," was sufficient to cause PTSD, their benefits will be revoked.
- The only accepted measure of the presence or absence of a stressor is the blood level of adrenal corticosteroids which becomes raised during stress which effects the peristaltic movement of the gut and the production of mucus within the gut.