IPA: strˈuɪŋ
- The act of scattering or spreading.
- Material that is strewn.
Examples of "strewing" in Sentences
- They spread organically, strewing seeds everywhere — some of which birth and some of which die.
- The closest any bird — angry or not — comes to throwing is the Egyptian vulture trying to break ostrich eggs by strewing rocks in their general direction.
- In the meantime, my living room looks like I'd just moved in what with half the furniture dragged into the middle and papers and junk strewing the rest of the floor.
- Surrounded by the desert, which may as well be an ocean for its habit of devouring trespassers and strewing them on its edges broken and unrecognizable, William Creek is an island.
- Screaming indignantly the car rocketed down the drainage trench splashing water, strewing discarded beer cans and fast food wrappers back onto the hood of the Porsche, splattering mud.
- Whether it be the complete devastation wrought by nuclear weapons or an antique practice such as strewing salt in the earth of the defeated enemies, war is by its very nature destructive.
- At half a mile distant the battleship blew up — simply blew up, that was all, her shattered frame sinking to the bottom of the bay, a riff-raff of wreckage and a few survivors strewing the surface.
- As the huge balloon filled with air, it ripped from its mooring and dragged across the desert, crashing into and upturning a parked four-wheel-drive vehicle and strewing debris across a wide area before coming to a halt.
- They have committed various other infractions of international law, such as strewing the high seas and trade routes with mines, and British and neutral vessels will continue to run danger from this course, whether Germany abandons her submarine blockade or not.
- He attempted to reach across the table and hold her hands, but she had cleverly guarded herself from such a move, by strewing knives and forks strategically on the table, causing Manickchandru to injure himself every time he attempted to reach across the table and hold her hands.