
IPA: strˈɪktɫi


  • Strictly Come Dancing, a television show


  • In a strict manner.
  • In a limited manner; only
  • In a narrow or limited sense.
  • (mathematics) In a manner that applies to every member of a set or every interval of a function

Examples of "strictly" in Sentences

  • This can be confusing to Americans, who commonly reserve the title strictly for the Monsignor, who is ranked below the Bishop.
  • White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Obama was "fully and appropriately" informed of the arrests, which he described as strictly a law enforcement matter.
  • And in Mexico, the term "strictly protect" appeared to be attached to interlocutors indiscriminately, even when officials offered only flattering assessments of their government or said little that wasn't common knowledge.
  • It is true that the title strictly signified no more than "lord"; yet the legends which connect these Cyprian princes with the goddess of love make it probable that they claimed the divine nature as well as the human dignity of Adonis.
  • It is true that the title strictly signified no more than “lord”; yet the legends which connect these Cyprian princes with the goddess of love make it probable that they claimed the divine nature as well as the human dignity of Adonis.
  • It is true that the title strictly signified no more than “lord”; yet the legends which connect these Cyprian princes with the goddess of love make it probable that they claimed the divine nature as well as the human dignity of Adonis.
  • A keyword search through the file by shows that the uncensored cables contain over 2,000 occurrences of the phrase "strictly protect", which is used in cables to denote sources of information whose identities diplomats consider confidential.

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