IPA: stˈʌbinɪs
- The state or condition of being stubby.
Examples of "stubbiness" in Sentences
- "Manly stubbiness" yet he manages to look so adorable.
- His being afflicted with hand "stubbiness," however, appears clear.
- So, I don't have much to work with at the moment, hence the stubbiness above.
- He waved a languid hand which, except for the stubbiness of the fingers, was very humanlike.
- It differs from fingers in that it is opposable, has two phalanges rather than three, differs in proportion and stubbiness, and is attached to a more mobile metacarpus.
- From the inherited experience of ages the natives know that a hunter with short hands and feet is most likely to live long; a man's length of life can be pretty accurately gauged by the stubbiness of his nose.