
IPA: stˈʌfɪnɪs


  • (uncountable) The state or quality of being angry and obstinate.
  • (uncountable) The state or quality of being poorly-ventilated and close.
  • (countable, rare) The result or product of being stuffy.

Examples of "stuffiness" in Sentences

  • Yet, there is no arrogance, or "stuffiness" that is typically associated with many of our competitors.
  • In school, however, he was stiff and formal with his classmates, projecting an aristocratic stuffiness.
  • At Isaac Mizrahi, also on Thursday, the designer said he was "going fancy" but casual, meaning upscale looks without stuffiness.
  • I think you are exactly right when you say that Italy provided notable contrast to the stuffiness of the English and their class-bound mentality.
  • "saddle-bag" upholstery, the common Turkish carpet, and the mantel mirror with tasteless, tasselled draperies, "Nelson Smith" seemed to comprehend the deadly "stuffiness" of Annesley Grayle's existence.
  • The other side, the new, desperate side that Mrs. Ellsworth's "stuffiness" had developed, was not looking for any means of escape; and this side had seized the upper hand since the alarm of the burglars in the Strand.
  • Produced by Graham King and Martin Scorsese (Oscar winners for “The Departed”), “Victoria” goes out of its way to side step the usual stuffiness of period films, offering viewers an old story with a contemporary flair.
  • Wooden Shoon, 'as an appropriate introduction to a tragedy the scene of which was laid in Nineveh; the house seemed fairly full, and the air was heavy with that peculiar smell, a sort of doubtfully aromatic stuffiness, which is so grateful to the nostrils of playgoers.
  • It will be found that for the greater part of the year the chimney ventilator and the supply to the fire will materially prevent "stuffiness," and keep those disagreeable draughts under control, even although the room be lighted with a 3 light chandelier burning a large quantity of gas.

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