IPA: stupˈɛndʌs
- Astonishingly great or large; huge; enormous.
- Of stunning excellence or degree; marvelous.
Examples of "stupendous" in Sentences
- I've been a guest at a few of these and they are plain stupendous.
- So stupendous is the potential, it could transform global energy politics and economics.
- And equally stupendous is the callousness of the people who believe in Christ, acknowledge
- The philosophical mind would most naturally associate with it the idea of stupendous magnetic power.
- His poll numbers in the role have gone from being "stupendous" -- the description of one of his Labor opponents -- to just "very good".
- "When I passed by there this afternoon," said Corliss, "it recalled a stupendous conflict we had, once upon a time; but I couldn't remember the cause."
- Efforts which might fairly be described as stupendous were put forth by the advocates of Kultur to win, if not the approval, at least the strict neutrality of
- Ceylon, of the remains of what may correctly be termed stupendous works; and the date of the construction of which, as regards India, is in many cases prehistoric.
- Giap was a fine general but he had great troops willing and apparently eager to sustain stupendous hardships for long long periods, and a country behind him in which every citizen worked in essence 12 hours a day 7 days a week for 25 years, for no pay.
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