IPA: stˈɝdi
- A disease caused by a coenurus infestation in the brain of an animal, especially a sheep or canid; coenurosis.
- A surname from Middle English.
- Of firm build; stiff; stout; strong.
- Solid in structure or person.
- (obsolete) Foolishly obstinate or resolute; stubborn.
- Resolute, in a good sense; or firm, unyielding quality.
Examples of "sturdy" in Sentences
- The old oak tree stood tall and sturdy despite the fierce storm that swept through the forest
- She chose a sturdy backpack for her camping trip, knowing it would withstand the rough terrain
- The blacksmith crafted a sturdy iron gate to protect the castle from intruders
- The sturdy rope held firm as the climbers made their way up the steep rock face
- The sturdy chair creaked slightly as he sat down, but it supported his weight without any problem