IPA: sˈʌbdɪrˈɛktɝi
- (computing) A directory located inside another directory.
Examples of "subdirectory" in Sentences
- And probably put htaccess in every single subdirectory **sigh**
- If you use treeview and navigate to a subdirectory and hit paste, guess what's happening?
- Apparently the fact that WordPress was installed in a subdirectory is causing the problem.
- Obviously, replace “yourdomainname” and “subdirectory” with the actual domain name and subdirectory name you used.
- Take the old pure-humor posts and put them in their own blog, in a subdirectory of johnnybtruant. com, as an archive.
- One can then tell Ugarit to "archive" a subdirectory of a filesystem into a given index, along with a set of key-value metadata describing it.
- Using the script I present here, the convert extension would create a branch according to the name of the branches / subdirectory, which is fine.
- There are no subdirectories, per se, but it's easy to build subdirectory translation into filenames, and the third party client software we used can simulate folders pretty simply.
- Having done that, the index tags would appear in the command line interface or the FUSE interface as directories with a rather different structure to those coming from snapshot tags: rather than containing all the dated snapshots plus a symlink called "latest", they would contain a subdirectory for each metadata key that has ever been used in the index name, type, client, archived-on, etc.