
IPA: sˈʌbdʒʌgeɪt


  • (transitive) To forcibly impose obedience or servitude upon.


  • In a subjugated position.

Examples of "subjugate" in Sentences

  • And surely, no-one means to subjugate women by something as simple as language?
  • Now you are saying that your answer was only directed towards the "subjugate" part.
  • "subjugate" in the debate over and over again, by people from people all along the political spectrum.
  • Like the socialists, they do not mince matters, but state boldly and plainly that they are fighting to subjugate the opposing class.
  • Talking about how all jews are moneygrubbing thieves or how all muslims are violent with the intent to subjugate more dhimmis should not be protected speech.
  • Only the USA stoops so low as to use people's suffering for profit, denying them even elementary care unless they subjugate themselves under the yoke of insurance companies.
  • Never did yell or kick send his hot blood from heart to head deluging his sensitive brain with fiery currents, driving him into frenzy or blinding him with fear; but touches, soft and gentle as a woman's, caressing words, and oats given from the open palm, and unfailing kindness, were the means I used to 'subjugate' him.
  • In a sharply worded letter to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, Beckstrom complains of inadequate funding and cites efforts by the National Security Agency to "subjugate" the NCSC to its control. first obtained by Wired), Beckstrom writes that "NSA effectively controls DHS cyber efforts through detailees, technology insertions, and the proposed move of NPPD [

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