IPA: sʌbsˈɝviʌnt
- Useful in an inferior capacity.
- Obsequiously submissive.
Examples of "subservient" in Sentences
- Jack Straw: Muslim courts will always remain subservient to English law
- Next entry: Jack Straw: Muslim courts will always remain subservient to English law
- Previous entry: Jack Straw: Muslim courts will always remain subservient to English law
- The way I interpret the word subservient my answer is no, I do not think subservience is equivalent to respect.
- Women, however, have conventionally been known as subservient and so the muscular look has never been a popular one toned, maybe, but certainly not muscular.
- - Source: Jack Straw: Muslim courts will ALWAYS remain subservient to English law, James Slack, Daily Mail (UK), Oct. 30, 2008 — Summarized by Religion News Blog
- December 14th, 2008 at 6: 23 pm yes zakaria is what i would call in urdu a chudoo, politely translated to 'subservient' - just towing the official line. have you ever heard of someone saying at the introduction
- The author is Delhi based Research Scholar in International Studies and can be reached at December 14th, 2008 at 6: 23 pm yes zakaria is what i would call in urdu a chudoo, politely translated to 'subservient' - just towing the official line. have you ever heard of someone saying at the introduction
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