IPA: sʌbsˈaɪdʌns
- The process of becoming less active or severe.
- (geology) A sinking of something to a lower level, especially of part of the surface of the Earth due to underground excavation, seismic activity or underground or ground water depletion.
Examples of "subsidence" in Sentences
- The problem with relief is that it is defined as a subsidence of tension when a threat has been overcome or proved false.
- While subsidence is certainly a piper that must ultimately, one day, be paid, we have to think about these things on appropriate timelines.
- And, of course, at the very mention of the word subsidence, the assessor is likely to bring out his measuring tape and head for the nearest tree.
- Of all the threats facing southeast Louisiana in the age of global warming, subsidence is the most daunting, because it is a problem without a solution.
- They also inferred from the data that long-term subsidence rates are more on the order of a fraction of a millimeter per year rather than 10 millimeters.
- Actually it says that "inferred from the data that long-term subsidence rates are more on the order of a fraction of a millimeter per year rather than 10 millimeters."
- In particular, I cite the case of the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta where residential development on below sea level land that has 1.5 ft. per decade subsidence is just plain idiotic where growth is good developers pour money into local political campaigns with great results for them and bad results for the public.