IPA: sʌbsˈɪstʌns
- Real being; existence.
- The act of maintaining oneself at a minimum level.
- Inherency.
- Something (food, water, money, etc.) that is required to stay alive.
- (theology) Embodiment or personification or hypostasis of an underlying principle or quality.
Examples of "subsistence" in Sentences
- You are right; there is a difference in subsistence hunting and poaching.
- “This may suggest a climatic change and or a shift in subsistence strategies.”
- Child labor is employed in subsistence agriculture, in the household, or in the urban informal sector.
- At this rate of increase, provided that subsistence is not overtaken, a century from now the population of
- Peter Reinecke suggests giving the Nunavummiut a few bucks to maintain subsistence hunting, but any talk of infrastructure development is "ludicrous," based upon a wrongful sense of entitlement.
- Immediately upon this rise in subsistence began the rise of population; and it is only the other day that Japan, finding her population once again pressing against subsistence, embarked, sword in hand, on a westward drift in search of more room.
- Furthermore, it bore coincidental resonance with the nineteenth-century Euro-American pejorative digger, which referred to the supposed cultural inferiority of California's Native Americans, some of whom derived subsistence from the gathering of wild roots.
- Page 107: (comparing different levels of subsistence in England and Scotland) This difference, however, in the mode of their subsistence is not the cause, but the effect, of the diference in their wages; though, by a strange misapprehension, I have frequently heard it represented as the cause.