IPA: sˈʌbsˈɑnɪk
- an aircraft whose maximum speed is less than the speed of sound
- (of a sound, scientific) having a frequency too low to be audible
- (of a sound, literary) very quiet, almost inaudible
- (of a speed) (aviation) less than the speed of sound (in the same medium, and at the same temperature and pressure)
- (fluid mechanics, of a flow) with a Mach number such that 0.3 < Ma < 0.8 (approximately - the exact limits vary between sources)
Examples of "subsonic" in Sentences
- I am adding to 99explorer's good advice and confirming the Winchester Ranger 147 gr. subsonic.
- There are standard pressure loads, so-called "subsonic" loads, and ultra fast, high pressure, +P and +P+ loads.
- Boeing is struggling right now to develop a new subsonic airliner, something they've been doing for nearly a century.
- (I can't give an actual number as I have not kept track, but I was just dying for a place to use the word "subsonic" somewhere in this column.
- There are others however, that are on a par with the Winchester Ranger 147-grain subsonic, and these are the CCI Speer Gold Dot and the Federal HST.
- Then it had to remain controllable and stable at subsonic, transonic, and supersonic speeds up to Mach 4 by mid-1942, ten years after development had started.
- The lower operational ceiling of the F-35 around 40,000 feet and its subsonic cruising speed means it will be at much higher risk in attempting to penetrate such heavily defended airspace.
- As the 22-year-old Blake croons "Limit to Your Love," a cover of Canadian indie chanteuse Feist, in comes an almost subsonic rumble - the kind you don't hear in your headphones so much as feel in your kidneys.